Saturday, June 13, 2009

After ACLU involvement, 6th grader gives report to other kids about dead sodomite politician.

So, if you're a parent who didn't sign a permission slip so your child wouldn't hear about sex and perversion from other kids in school, well, you're authority was undermined and your kid was ruined because the ACLU stepped quickly into this one and demanded the report be given to the entire class. The school kowtowed quickly as schools usually do. What's really embarrassing is that the ACLU made the school officials apologize to the 6th grader and her family. They're weak and spineless, and why any parent would have his child be subject to these sissies is beyond me.

In her report, the 6th grader mentioned that Milk, the dead homo politician, was murdered in 1978. What the 6th grader didn't tell the class because she probably doesn't know it herself is that Milk, for the last 30 years, has been floating around in hell definitely not having a good time like he used to in San Francisco's dirty bath houses. This bit of info about theb revered sex criminal was definitely left out of little Mary's class report.

San Diego 6 -- June 12, 2009

RAMONA - A Ramona Unified sixth-grader has given her report on gay political icon Harvey Milk to her entire class after the school district apologized for previously limiting her presentation only to students whose parents signed a permission slip.

The controversy began in April when district officials cited a policy requiring parent permission slips for sex education classes as the reason why
Natalie Jones could only give her report to certain students during lunch.

In May, the ACLU of San Diego got involved by sending the district a letter demanding an apology and an agreement to let Jones present her report to the entire class.

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