Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mandatory "freakazoid-fag" day for students

Former fag day participant now dying of AIDSBoard imposes sodomite learning experience on students; requires contracting 3 STD's through rectum before lunch; crystal-meth supplied as experience "enhancer"; handgun provided for likely suicide in lieu of dying from various diseases including AIDS. Faculty, staff and students eventually realize this day of skool is virtually no different from any other. And of course it's happening in broke CALIpORNIA.

World Net Daily -- May 28, 2009

A California school district has approved a mandatory homosexual curriculum for children as young as 5 – and parents will not be allowed to remove their children from the lessons.

The mandatory program, officially titled "LGBT Lesson #9," was approved May 26 by the Alameda County Board of Education by a vote of 3-2. Students from kindergarten through fifth grade will learn about "tolerance" for the homosexual lifestyle beginning next year.

The curriculum is in addition to the school's current anti-bullying program and is estimated to cost $8,000 for curriculum and training.

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