Friday, June 19, 2009

Sex-ed "experts" can't figure out why teen births are rising; Swallow tongues during intense contemplation to rule out sex as culprit

Doh! Not understanding that SEX LEADS TO PREGNANCY because of their mental disorders, liberal eggheads cite a "decrease in contraceptive use, especially condoms" as the reason for an increase in teen births. "Why aren't they doing what we taught them in sex-ed: to use condoms and abort the fetus when they don't use condoms? Why are they having babies?! Don't the kids know they're supposed to do what we tell'em?," one hotshot analyst asked during a phone interview from his mother's basement.

Aren't the kids doing exactly what the sexperts are telling them: Having sex?

The Washington Post -- June 18, 2009

The recent increase in teen births appears to be primarily the result of a decrease in contraceptive use, especially condoms, according to new research out today.

After declining for 14 years, the teen birth rate increased in 2006 and then again in 2007, causing alarm that one of the nation's most successful public health campaigns was faltering.

In an effort to understand why the teen birth rate was creeping up again, John Santelli of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and his colleagues analyzed data collected by the federal government's Youth Risk Behavior Survey from young women nationwide in grades 9 through 12.

In an article being published in the July issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, Santelli and his colleagues report that the increase does not appear to be the result of a rise in sexual activity. Although teen sexual activity might have risen slightly between 2001 and 2003, it appears to have remained fairly flat since then, the researchers found.

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