Monday, July 26, 2010

Mad TV's Public School House Rock PSA: "Dopin' Up Kids With Behavioral Problems"

Mad TV didn't have to do much research for this sketch, eh? Dysfunction Junction, why do you function? Ritalin, Zoloft, Adderall, Dexedrine, Risperdall, Luvox, Paxil, Methylphenidate - if it works for you, why not take two? What's Risperdall? In case you foolishly thought this was meant to be a parody, think again. This is a PSA thinly veiled as a parody.

"Cuz parents push the pills just to keep ya quiet. They wanna quick fix like a happy meal to make ya feel real so they don't gotta deal. To 'help' your head, they'll hand you a med and send ya to bed. Then when you're in skool you won't act like a fool, just don't overdose or else you'll drool."

There is, however, only one alternative, natural method for curing ADD - one that's free from any harmful medication. It's all in the free brochure, 'You Can Either Calm Down, Or I Can Pop You In The Mouth, Again.'

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