Monday, August 2, 2010

Sexually disoriented left out of anti-bullying policy

Sissy fighting continuesLaw promotes perv-on-perv violence, allows fags and trannies to continue bullying each other in centuries-old vie for top protected-perv spot, endless debate over gay crap.

Anniston, AL

Under an anti-harassment policy passed by the Anniston Board of Education Wednesday, students are explicitly protected from bullying based on their race, gender, religion or disability.

Sexual orientation? Not so much.

With Wednesday’s unanimous vote, Anniston joined school systems across the state in passing an official policy for dealing with bullying and harassment. The move is required by the Student Harassment Prevention Act, passed by the Alabama Legislature in the wake of a wave of bullying-related suicides across the country.

Shortly after the law was passed, the state released a model anti-harassment policy that has since been adopted almost word-for-word in many school districts. The model policy explicitly bans harassment based on race, disability and religion, but is silent on anti-gay bullying.

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