Friday, July 3, 2009


Originally uploaded by lesterjay
Aren't you happy to know that when your kid goes to that high quality High School Art Class at Kennedy High School that they'll receive only the best in art appreciation teaching?

Perhaps they'll learn the finer points of Monet. Maybe they'll come to a greater understanding of Michelangelo's inspiration. Whatever it is, be certain that they won't be taking photos of bloody crime scenes where it looks like a murder has taken place. Certainly, that would only represent a culture of death, not one of life. Schools are full of life, aren't they?

Do boys play cops and robbers or cowboys and indians at home? Yes they do. But there's a key difference between that play and this 'art'. That difference is that the bad guys aren't naturally celebrated in healthy crime play.

The photo seen in this blog entry is an actual school art project where a 'crime' took place in the school cafeteria.


Unknown said...

That actually looks similar to a project that students were doing at one of the schools I work at. They were enrolled in courses in criminal justice. The courses they take actually count as college credits. So they graduate high school about halfway through a degree in criminal justice.

Pretty nifty I think.

Adam said...

Persephone 66, I certainly hope that in those Criminal Justice classes they use the Bible as their textbook. Otherwise, they'll grow up to be law enforcement without a foundation like we have today.

The Graphite said...

Amen to that, Adam. Because when God's law and man's law conflict, the Bible says as Christians "we must obey God rather than men."

Unknown said...

Actually they use state and local law books. I'm not sure where you live, but in America we believe in things such as freedom of religion and separation of church and state.

Adam said...

Here in the United States, we believe in freedom OF religion.

If you're looking for freedom FROM religion, then you'll have to find a different America to live in. Perhaps Central or South America?

Unknown said...

Right, nitwit, that's what I said freedom of religion. It's called reading comprehension, look into it.

Does your god command you to be this stupid?

Adam said...

But that's not what you meant. You meant, 'freedom from my religion'. Isn't that what you really want? The illegalization of my judgmental speech towards you?

Unknown said...

Not at all, you should be as free to speak your mind as I. Even if I don't agree with it.

You only think I meant that. If I wanted freedom from religion, I would have said that. If you want to worship a cosmic Jewish zombie, knock yourself out! I don't care. Get to know a person before you put words in their mouth. Or does you god command you not to do that?

GSDCM said...

"Get to know a person"


Unknown said...

That's what I said, sissy boy.