Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bling Bling: The Most Pathetic of Pathetic Gubment Skools Get Paid, fool...

"Mo' Money, Mo' Problems" seems to be etched somewhere onto the halls, bowels, unisex bathrooms and whatever else within the Education Department. Apparently, they haven't figured out that rewarding crappy conduct only encourages mo' crappy conduct.

"When a school continues to perform in the bottom five percent of the state and isn't showing signs of growth or has graduation rates below 60 percent, something dramatic needs to be done," said Duncan. "Turning around our worst performing schools is difficult for everyone but it is critical that we show the courage to do the right thing by kids," apparently by throwing money at'em. And
to qualify for mo' skrilla, "states must identify their lowest-performing schools," also known as the "event horizon" of the public skool black hole, so mo' money can be sucked away. "The mo' po' the schools, the mo' dough for fools."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

US Dept of Ed "Awards" schools $$$ for student suicides and shooting

"When unfortunate events disrupt the lives of children and schools, it's vital we award them with cash money that can be used to buy more pink triangles for classroom doors to encourage faggotry amongst the boys and girls, which in turn will cause more suicides, um, I mean unfortunate events," says Kevin Jennings, assistant deputy secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, as he left a local D.C. bath house. "This should make schools safer, but don't thank me. It's my job, sweetie."

In addition to being the founder of GLSEN, Kevin's only other claim to any "educational" experience is teaching school children the foul practice of fisting.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Classy Stuff: Teacher's Union Memo Hints At N.J. Gov.'s Death, Misspells "Union" as "Onion"

Jersey's governor got back some $$$ his state's teachers stole because they don't actually work while molesting kids. Needless to say, this didn't bode well for the white guy since teachers have hit rock bottom and started praying to God for His help in the matter. God loves the public skool system, and with divinity on their side, the teachers can only succeed in destroying our nation and its children while not losing a penny for the effort and all with God's help.

In an email to its members, the teachers' union wrote:
"Dear lord,' this year you have taken away my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze, my favorite actress, Farrah Fawcett, my favorite singer, Michael Jackson, and my favorite salesman, Billy Mays. I just wanted to let you know that Chris Christie is my favorite governor."
Tastelessly classy.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Bureau of Justice Statistics: Indicators of School Crime 2009

What's an indicator of school crime? It may be acid-dropping during lunch, or a vicious assault of a bullied student. Perhaps an indicator is the epidemic of teacher/student molestation, or the murders of students by students. Whatever it is, the guvment thought it would be a cool money-waster to esspla'n it in crayon for the non-interested, illiterate public - the product of guvment educacion.

In the report, there's no definition for "Indicator," but "Crime" is defined as:

"Any violation of a statute or regulation or any act that the government has determined is injurious to the public, including felonies and misdemeanors. Such violation may or may not involve violence, and it may affect individuals or property."
Here are some highlights about indicators of school crime, or acts committed in a school which is "injurious [...] including felonies and misdemeanors [which] may or may not involve violence" (as though this was difficult to imagine):

Violent Deaths

  • From July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008, there were 21 homicides and 5 suicides of school-age youth (ages 5–18) at school

Nonfatal Student and Teacher Victimization
  • In 2007, students ages 12–18 were victims of about 1.5 million nonfatal crimes while they were at school, compared to about 1.1 million nonfatal crimes while they were away from school
  • The rates for theft and violent crime were higher at school than away from school.
  • 10 percent of male students in grades 9–12 reported being threatened or injured with a weapon on school property in the past year, compared to 5 percent of female students. Higher percentages of Black students and Hispanic students reported being threatened or injured with a weapon on school property than White students and American Indian/Alaska Native students

School Environment

  • During the 2007–08 school year, 85 percent of public schools recorded that one or more incidents of crime had taken place at school, amounting to an estimated 2.0 million crimes
  • 25 percent of public schools reported that bullying occurred among students on a daily or weekly basis, and 11 percent reported that student acts of disrespect for teachers other than verbal abuse took place on a daily or weekly basis.
  • Twenty percent of public schools reported that gang activities had happened at all during 2007–08 and 3 percent reported that cult or extremist activities had happened at all during that school yeaR
  • 22 percent of all students in grades 9–12 reported that someone had offered, sold, or given them an illegal drug on school property in the past 12 months
  • Ten percent of students ages 12–18 reported that someone at school had used hate-related words against them, and more than one-third (35 percent) reported seeing hate-related graffiti at school
  • 32 percent of students ages 12–18 reported having been bullied at school during the school year. Twenty-one percent of students said that they had experienced bullying that consisted of being made fun of; 18 percent reported being the subject of rumors; 11 percent said that they were pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on; 6 percent said they were threatened with harm; 5 percent said they were excluded from activities on purpose; and 4 percent of students said they were tried to make do things they did not want to do or that their property was destroyed on purpose.
  • 34 percent of teachers agreed or strongly agreed that student misbehavior interfered with their teaching, and 32 percent reported that student tardiness and class cutting interfered with their teaching. Seventy-two percent of teachers agreed or strongly agreed that other teachers at their school enforced the school rules, and 89 percent reported that the principal enforced the school rules. *LIE*

Fights, Weapons, and Illegal Substances

  • In 2007, 36 percent of students in grades 9–12 reported they had been in a fight anywhere, and 12 percent said they had been in a fight on school property during the preceding 12 months
  • Eighteen percent of students in grades 9–12 in 2007 reported they had carried a weapon8 anywhere, and 6 percent reported they had carried a weapon on school property during the previous 30 days

Fear and Avoidance

  • In 2007, approximately 5 percent of students ages 12–18 reported that they were afraid of attack or harm at school, and 3 percent reported that they were afraid of attack or harm away from school

Discipline, Safety, and Security Measures

  • Between the 1999–2000 and 2007–08 school years, there was an increase in the percentage of public schools reporting the use of the following safety and security measures: [...] students required to wear badges or picture IDs [...] faculty required to wear badges or picture IDs [...] the use of one or more security cameras to monitor school
  • 43 percent of public schools reported that they had an electronic notification system for a school-wide emergency, and 31 percent of public schools reported that they had a "structured, anonymous threat reporting system," also known as the prank call line.
  • Ten percent of students reported the use of metal detectors at their school.
Wow. How can I get my kids signed up?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

DA: Teaching Sex Ed to Kids is Criminal

In a March 24 letter, Scott Southworth, the Juneau County district attorney, warns five school districts if they proceed with new state sex education courses teachers could face criminal charges for contributing to the delinquency of minors. This comes as a real downer for sex ed teachers who get a thrill teaching children about sex and showing them how to put condoms on cucumbers.

Not New News Video: School on lockdown, conditions chilluns for coming police state

Another school goes APE after a phone call from the MORNING ZOO of a local classic rock station goes horribly awry. Plenty of parents pissed after being called away "for this crap again." Yada yada, chilluns' safety this and that and so forth and so on.


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Saturday, April 3, 2010

SHOCKING: More kiddos shot at school near Columbine

Open season continues on Colorado's publik skoolers, this time only 3 miles from Columbine. No deaths this time, only two wounded thanks to a lone math teacher. One hopes at least one parent in Colorado has finally seen a pattern of school shootings and bloodshed and pulled his child out of the public warzone.

FLASHBACK: In 2006, a pervert enters a Bailey, CO highschool, takes female hostages and molests them...but you won't hear about that in the news. How do these guys effortlessly lay siege to every school here in Colorado, as if there were signs in front that said, "Lots of unarmed kids inside. Enjoy!" It's sick how these kids are no more than sitting ducks for anyone willing to walk through a school's doors and open fire.