Saturday, April 3, 2010

SHOCKING: More kiddos shot at school near Columbine

Open season continues on Colorado's publik skoolers, this time only 3 miles from Columbine. No deaths this time, only two wounded thanks to a lone math teacher. One hopes at least one parent in Colorado has finally seen a pattern of school shootings and bloodshed and pulled his child out of the public warzone.

FLASHBACK: In 2006, a pervert enters a Bailey, CO highschool, takes female hostages and molests them...but you won't hear about that in the news. How do these guys effortlessly lay siege to every school here in Colorado, as if there were signs in front that said, "Lots of unarmed kids inside. Enjoy!" It's sick how these kids are no more than sitting ducks for anyone willing to walk through a school's doors and open fire.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have a point there, why send your kids to public school to be shot at by other kids when you can homeschool them and beat them to death yourself?