Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sodomite becomes prom queen; Didn't know crown was for a girl, not a sissy

18 y/o homosexual, Sergio Garcia of Fairfax High in Los Angeles, thought it would be cute to confuse himself and his gender even more by campaigning to be his school's prom queen. Perhaps he thought the stunt could be pulled off by invoking the ol' "tolerance" bit with his classmates. Obviously, no girl wanted that crown at the expense of seeming intolerant of a gender-confused sexual deviant.

After wearing the crown, Garcia, a self-proclaimed "queen," was disappointed that he hadn't (1) turned into a girl (and still wasn't quite a real boy) and (2) didn't get to dance with the prom King. According to one of the students, this is the reason students voted for fagboy, "as a joke so they could see the prom king dance with another guy on prom night." And I can only imagine the overwhelming joy of this queer's family especially of his father and mother who obviously said to themselves, "Wow, my SON became prom QUEEN!"

Not only is this disgusting, it was stupid. Fairfax High in L.A. has shown it's student body is the dumbest in the nation.

Los Angeles Times - May 28, 2009

Sergio Garcia stood in the gymnasium and told the senior class at Fairfax High School not to worry: If he was elected, he wouldn't wear a dress.

"I will be wearing a suit," Garcia said, "but don't be fooled, deep down inside, I am a queen!"

Garcia, 18, spent most of his years at Fairfax openly gay and wanted to be part of the Los Angeles school's prom court -- but not as prom king. He felt that vying for prom queen would better suit his personality, so he decided to seek that crown, running against a handful of female classmates.

He said it started out as a bit of a stunt and challenge -- he wasn't sure the school would allow it. But his campaign for queen ended up being serious and sparking dialogue about gender roles on campus.

A few days before the dance and election, the contenders gave short speeches on why they deserved the crown.

VIDEO with lisp and limp wrist:


Unknown said...

I wish I had the nerve to do that when I was his age.

GSDCM said...

Whu? You wish you had the nerve to become a laughing stock at that age?

Unknown said...

Nah, I would have worn a dress. If you are going to be a queen, then go all the way.

GSDCM said...

Yeah, that's what I said: A laughing stock. Let's not complicate matters.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry if this is over your head