The following is a response to a self-proclaimed "bisexual" math teacher in a publik skool. It's from a thread for an earlier post: "Cash Incentive: Florida schools cook-the-books on higher grades, kids still pretty dang stupid."
I've been so busy supporting a family and protesting perverts that I had forgotten to respond, but managed to find the time now to do so. Due to its length, my wife, Danielle, thought it would be wise to make this a new post.
Wow. I hit a raw nerve, but of course I knew I would. A simple "You're wrong" would've sufficed. Instead, you exposed an obvious need to justify your continued participation in a system which has not only failed and continues to fail in every possible way, but also harms children by the millions.
"Government Schools Destroy Children's Minds" is more than just a bumper sticker I have on my car. It's a reality.
Among many things and aside from YOUR OWN ADMISSION in this post of how academically crippling the system is, public schools provide a convenient "one-stop shopping" experience for child molesters where children are held captive. They are at the mercy of these predators who flock to these "mandatory" child corrals because therein lies easy prey, and lots of it, too. For a predator, this is exciting because the “hunt” is made easier with a higher “kill” rate compared to the regular Thailand-style, street-trash action. And by default, the parents of these children, by sending them to these hell-holes, have demonstrated to the world their tremendous lack of care, concern and love for their own kids. Children of parents who don't care for them are vulnerable to the perverts who would exploit their vulnerabilities, initially by pretending to care, becoming surrogate parents so to speak. Later and after trust is gained by the perverts, they begin to molest the kids. Sound familiar? It should:
"And I'm sure you don't know that I think of my students like they are my own children."
Any man who thinks this is perverse, and it takes a real sicko to admit it as you did. Real men don't look at other men's children and say, "I think of them as my own children." That's bizarre, especially since you don't have any children. You can't make this "parenthood" claim of the students since you have no real understanding of having children of your own. For all anyone knows, your concept of parenting involves molestation.
I know good people who are without children yet have a proper understanding of parenthood and would be excellent parents. But unlike you, they don't parade themselves as parents of other children. You don’t possess a smattering of real parenthood, so don't be pathetic in the eyes of 2 billion+ mothers and fathers around the planet because of your unqualified and undignified self-proclamation as being what they are: Real parents. You're a wannabe, which means you aren't. So again, don't delude yourself, this time with believing you're the parent of other people's kids. The "I'm their parent" delusion is a poor cover for the obvious: Publik skool teachers are nothing more than glorified babysitters complacent about sucking what they can from the public teat while destroying children, and you're no exception. In fact, you’re their poster child.
"So are you saying I'm a predator? Me?"
Yes. And yes. Can it be that difficult for you to understand or believe?
It wasn't difficult determining you as a pervert; I already knew this simply by your profession and your effeminate "I think I can make a difference" garbage. (Believe it when I say every publik skool teacher says the same rubbish about his profession. You all parrot each other and don't even realize it.)
You don't know me from Adam, but you still told me about your perverted self by revealing how, well into adulthood, you're still confused about the roles of men and women which is naturally obvious, and how they apply to your own life. My 5 and 6 year-olds understand the natural roles of men and women, and you don't.
And you think you’re qualified to teach?
“Consider this - you are just assuming that I'm attracted to kids because of what? The fact that I'm bisexual? That's really all you got.”
You have no business teaching or even being near children especially when you can't grasp even the simplest of matters understood by children. Further, your confusion in being a depraved “bisexual” – an absolute offense to nature – will only confuse your students as well as encourage them to also be depraved. (“It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher.” -Mat. 10:25)
You don’t know me – I am a stranger – yet you’ve revealed of yourself these perverse things to me. (And this excludes whatever is on your blog.) If so easily to me, then you definitely have no qualms about letting lose your sexual perversion in whatever form upon the students who are like your "own children."
"I think that if I positively impact a kids life the world might be a slightly better place."
You “think” it might be a better place?! Gay koombyah.
"My favourite moments in the classroom are those where I can clearly see that one has learned something. That moment when it all becomes clear to them. Those times when students have thanked me. Those times when I felt appreciated. I wouldn't trade that for any amount of money and they certainly do make the rest of the nonsense I see during the course of my day worth it."
This is wicked, but let’s test your convictions.
Continuing the bad charade of public education is, as you say, “worth it” if you feel appreciated when one kid finally learns “something” – out of the thousands who obviously learn nothing. But let’s be honest: You don’t care about that one kid or any kids. It’s the feelings of appreciation you care for because they loosely affirm your existence as a public school teacher, and such affirmations are desperately sought by your kind because your profession is hopeless. Also, the “nonsense” you referred to (which is “worth” your being appreciated) includes of students':
- rape;
- molestation;
- murder;
- sub-standard “education”;
- harassment, both sexual and in general;
- sexual promiscuity;
- homosexuality;
- stupidity;
- atheism; and
- rebellion, just to name a few.
All, however, lead to misery and death and are found in every publik skool, nary a one without 3, 4, most or all others in tow.
So then, are your feelings of appreciation worth destroying kids? Is it worth the humiliation experienced day-in and day-out by the scores of girls who are sexually harassed without consequence every day in your school alone? Is your lust for appreciation worth the school-sponsored degradation of the self-images of these girls to that of mere sex objects? Is giving children sub-standard education and dumbing them down worth bolstering your ego’s appreciation factor? Is maintaining the failed publik skool system so you can get your jollies worth turning boys into perverts like you, their teacher, whether by harassing girls or wearing dresses? And so on, and so on, and so on?
Answer the questions. YES OR NO? They’re not complicated.
“I practically live by these simple words from VNV Nation -
'This is your world.
These are your people.
You can live for yourself today,
or help build tomorrow for everyone.'”
The VNV who? Whu? These are the words you live by!? Are you kidding?!
Why don’t you live by words which REAL men have successfully lived by for centuries:
“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither
- fornicators,
- nor idolaters,
- nor adulterers,
- nor thieves,
- nor covetous,
- nor drunkards,
- nor revilers,
- nor extortioners
will inherit the kingdom of God.” -1 Cor 6:9-10
You’re a filthy sodomite with authority over children. You need to repent of your sin and flee from those children before you make a dreadful mistake and ruin lives – that is if you haven’t done so already.