Monday, July 27, 2009

Zombie School at the Marion County Fair

Marion County Fair
Originally uploaded by truthman
I was saddened to see this entry by a young person at the Marion County Fair in Indianapolis, IN yesterday. In the creative writing category, some kid wrote about Zombie School. Perhaps he was writing about his own school?

Since when is this considered quality work coming from our nation's youth? Why was this trash even allowed an entry at the county fair? You won't see a home schooler writing this junk.



Unknown said...

You might have something there. Stephen King, Andrea Dean van Scoyoc, and even Bram Stoker all went to public school.

Mary Shelley probably was homeschooled, though.

GSDCM said...

The publik skool buildings are ON FIRE, and it appears some of the zombie teachers, students, faculty, child molesting softball coaches/part-time ingles/math teaching trannies and resident dyke cop are on fire, too.

Must be a bright kid who created this social commentary of p-skool. It's no lake of fire, but still pretty accurate considering p-skools' lone reason for existence: SEND MILLIONS TO HELL.

Eh. Whatever. The kid's "brilliance" will be gone before the system chews him up and spits him out.

Unknown said...

Curtis, why do I get the impression that you are a public school failure yourself?

Adam said...

Because he is Persephone 66. Praise God he found the truth!

Even I am as I was polluted by the public schools early in childhood.

Unknown said...

And both of you are idiots.

I went to public schools too.

I also graduated at the top of my class at the first college I attended.

My first teaching job was at a college, I was only 25 then. I taught network administration courses, something I had been doing professionally since I graduated high school.

A few years ago I returned to college to work on my current degree. Since then I have made the National Dean's List twice and studied at one of the top universities in the world.

This is what happens when one applies their self, regardless of where they where educated. Blaming the public schools for one's own corruption and stupidity is like a bad dancer blaming the dance floor. Or if you need a more masculine example, like a bad football player blaming the field.

Unknown said...

I take back what I said about you guys being idiots. I should have said dullards.