Saturday, June 20, 2009

Homo-teach busted with kiddie porn before rendezvous with boys as camping buddy

Classic fag: he was caught while attempting "to get sexual favors [from a 17 y/o boy student] in exchange for good grades"; was hired as a high school math teacher AFTER he was accused of sodomizing another student. He was acquitted in a Kentucky court of that charge. It appears Kentucky's court and edumacadational systems, like most, are useless money-pits. Feds may have to step in on this one.

LEX18 -- June 17, 2009

Disturbing details emerged in court Wednesday involving a former Paris High School math teacher facing 25 counts of child porn.

Investigators said Kenneth Shadoan, 30, was arrested right before he was set to travel to New York to supervise young boys on a camping trip after investigators confiscated some of his personal belongings.

At Wednesday's preliminary hearing, prosecutors revealed some of their case against Shadoan. Police said they were tipped off when the mother of a 17-year-old boy found some disturbing messages between the two. Police said Shadoan was trying to get sexual favors in exchange for good grades.

Obama's partner-in-sodomy and "Safe School" fag-in-charge dreamed of boys and homosexuality in schools

Homo-fascist Kevin Jennings, founder of the homo-fascist orgy-ization, Gross-Loving Sodomites Envying Normals (GLSEN), and current head fascist-homo at the US Dept. of Edumacadation, told a group of like-minded pervosos in a drug-induced daze: "I can envithin a thday when sthraight people thay, 'Tho what if you're promoting homothexuality?'" The vision always ends when the crystal meth wears off.

Life Site News -- June 11, 2009

Kevin Jennings, who was appointed by Obama to be the assistant deputy secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools inside the Department of Education, has always been interested in promoting the homosexualist agenda to schoolchildren.

Jennings, cofounder and executive director of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), told attendees at a GLSEN conference over a decade ago that he looked forward to the day when promoting homosexuality in schools will be seen in a positive light.

Jennings said that he “can envision a day when straight people say, ‘So what if you’re promoting homosexuality,’ or straight kids [will] say [to a male homosexual friend], ‘Hey, why don’t you and your boyfriend come over before you go to prom and try your tuxes on at my house?’ ”

"I’d like five years from now for most Americans when they hear the word ‘GLSEN’ to think ‘Ooh, that’s good for kids.’ (Not likely. This country will perish first, and that's a promise.)

Mandatory "freakazoid-fag" day for students

Former fag day participant now dying of AIDSBoard imposes sodomite learning experience on students; requires contracting 3 STD's through rectum before lunch; crystal-meth supplied as experience "enhancer"; handgun provided for likely suicide in lieu of dying from various diseases including AIDS. Faculty, staff and students eventually realize this day of skool is virtually no different from any other. And of course it's happening in broke CALIpORNIA.

World Net Daily -- May 28, 2009

A California school district has approved a mandatory homosexual curriculum for children as young as 5 – and parents will not be allowed to remove their children from the lessons.

The mandatory program, officially titled "LGBT Lesson #9," was approved May 26 by the Alameda County Board of Education by a vote of 3-2. Students from kindergarten through fifth grade will learn about "tolerance" for the homosexual lifestyle beginning next year.

The curriculum is in addition to the school's current anti-bullying program and is estimated to cost $8,000 for curriculum and training.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Anti-bullying and Sex-ed Laws: More Evidence of a Failed "Education" System

The day when I send my kids to any institution dependent upon anti-bullying laws for stability, where that institution uses the law to force children to learn about sex from heathens of a death culture, is the day when hara-kiri becomes my only honorable way out of this life - maybe. You parents who do send your kids to these places, well, you're losers and should consider hara-kiri for yourselves since you're doing it to your kids.

Statesman Journal -- June 15, 2009

With a few strokes of multiple pens, Gov. Ted Kulongoski has signed into law two bills affecting children.

House Bill 2599 requires school districts to be more specific in anti-bullying policies, which a 2001 law requires them to have.

The new law streamlines the complaint process, encourages training for school employees and modifies the definition of bullying.

It prohibits bullying based on membership in a protected class, such as race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, familial status, source of income or disability.

"Schools are the logical place": Feds hellbent on spreading swine flu, now through student guinea pigs

Swine flu's spectacular fizzle out the collective psyche has done little to disuade the feds, especially those feds with financial and personal interests in creating swine flu hysteria, from exposing the populace to the illness. Odds are 1 out of 230 million that an American within the U.S. would ever die of swine flu. Also, about 30,000 people die from the flu every year and cancer kills about 500,000, both being far more deadly than swine flu, but facts and figures and reason and logic and "good" mean squat to this govt when there are millions of pre-purchased hits of swine-flu vaccine idling in some warehouse waiting to be used on little Johnny who's "safe" in his public skool.

Vaccines have been given to students in gubmint skools for years without parents' knowledge. Don't be deceived. If your daughters can get abortions through the public skools without your consent or knowledge, then they're definitely getting swine flu vaccines whether you like it or know it or allow it or not. Get ready for another spike in autism - and deaths.

Yahoo! News -- June 16, 2009

WASHINGTON – Schoolchildren could be first in line for swine flu vaccine this fall — and schools are being put on notice that they might even be turned into shot clinics.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday she is urging school superintendents around the country to spend the summer preparing for that possibility, if the government goes ahead with mass vaccinations."

If you think about vaccinating kids, schools are the logical place," Sebelius told The Associated Press.No decision has been made yet on whether and how to vaccinate millions of Americans against the new flu strain that the World Health Organization last week formally dubbed a pandemic, meaning it now is circulating the globe unchecked. But the U.S. is pouring money into development of a vaccine in anticipation of giving at least some people the shots.

Molester's Paradise: Georgia's high-court pervs say teachers can consensually rape students

Teacher's rape conviction overturned, judges say consent defense permitted while wearing nothing under their black robes. Georgia teachers' union rejoices, no longer have to "live in the shadows" of the public schools. "We can molest your kids lawfully now."

For teacher-rapists, Georgia's the place to be.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution -- June 16, 2009

The Georgia Supreme Court on Monday reversed a sexual assault conviction against a 28-year-old schoolteacher who had a romantic relationship with one of her former students.

In a 5-2 decision, the court said the teacher, Melissa Lee Chase, should have been allowed to present a defense that the 16-year-old student consented to the sexual relationship.

Under Georgia law, the age of consent is 16, Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears wrote. “Generally speaking, it is not a crime in Georgia to have physical sexual contact with a willing participant who is 16 years of age or older.”

Before her conviction, Chase was a highly regarded teacher and softball coach at Harlem High School, about 20 miles outside of Augusta. The teenage girl had previously been one of Chase’s students.

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New Jersey adopts new educational standards; Swears it "got it right" this time

New Jersey, after realizing how lame its old educational standards were, adopted new standards "that were sure to be much, much better than the old ones. Certainly, the new stuff couldn't be any worse than the current stuff and certainly couldn't hurt anything. I mean, these kids is pretty dang stupid," NJ's school board pres. said. "I know we gots it right now with these new rules and stuff. You just wait and see. We won't fail the future students like we failed all the previous students, which were about, oh, 30 million or so."

The Philadelphia Inquirer -- June 18, 2009

The New Jersey Board of Education yesterday adopted revised high school graduation standards that increase the rigor of students' math and science requirements, but not as much as some opponents had feared."

We have waited for this day with much excitement and anticipation," Education Commissioner Lucille E. Davy said in a written statement after the vote. "

The daunting idea of transforming our high schools to meet the demands of the 21st century has been the subject of a thorough, open process that has taken place over many months."

Board President Josephine E. Hernandez said the standards would give all students access to the tools they need for the future no matter what district they attended.

Sex-ed "experts" can't figure out why teen births are rising; Swallow tongues during intense contemplation to rule out sex as culprit

Doh! Not understanding that SEX LEADS TO PREGNANCY because of their mental disorders, liberal eggheads cite a "decrease in contraceptive use, especially condoms" as the reason for an increase in teen births. "Why aren't they doing what we taught them in sex-ed: to use condoms and abort the fetus when they don't use condoms? Why are they having babies?! Don't the kids know they're supposed to do what we tell'em?," one hotshot analyst asked during a phone interview from his mother's basement.

Aren't the kids doing exactly what the sexperts are telling them: Having sex?

The Washington Post -- June 18, 2009

The recent increase in teen births appears to be primarily the result of a decrease in contraceptive use, especially condoms, according to new research out today.

After declining for 14 years, the teen birth rate increased in 2006 and then again in 2007, causing alarm that one of the nation's most successful public health campaigns was faltering.

In an effort to understand why the teen birth rate was creeping up again, John Santelli of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and his colleagues analyzed data collected by the federal government's Youth Risk Behavior Survey from young women nationwide in grades 9 through 12.

In an article being published in the July issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, Santelli and his colleagues report that the increase does not appear to be the result of a rise in sexual activity. Although teen sexual activity might have risen slightly between 2001 and 2003, it appears to have remained fairly flat since then, the researchers found.

Cash Incentive: Florida schools cook-the-books on higher grades, kids still pretty dang stupid

"Lower Standards, More Money" slogan pays off as students found useful for $$. Dumber "F" schools excoriated for not being savvy enough to cheat like the "A" schools now awash with mucho dinero.

Examiner -- June 18, 2009

The Florida Department of Education announced today their annual report card for Florida schools. According to the 2009 school grades, schools in Florida had their most successful year to date.

Mentally-ill governor calling for bigger taxes for educational black hole

Can't find money, but says more of it solution to failing schools; wears Napoleon Bonaparte costume for 167th day straight.

NCCN -- June 19, 2009

(RALEIGH) -- The Governor kicked off a series of rallies calling for raising taxes to avoid deep cuts in the education budget. A lot of special interest groups are panicking over the rumors of deeper cuts in the state budget so they’re quickly putting together rallies to shout their cause. It helps though if Governor Beverly Perdue is your headliner.

The Intolerant Tolerant: Student can't sue for being silenced about his opposition to faggotry

Check your Christianity at the door: THIS IS A PUBLIC SKOOL which required the Christian student to complete "anti-harassment training." Huh? Where's the ACLU on this one? And why are Christian parents sending their kid to a Godless hell-hole anyway?

Atlanta Journal-Constitution -- April 10, 2008

Ashland, Ky. —- A Kentucky high school student won't be allowed to proceed with a lawsuit against his school district for instituting a policy that barred him from expressing his opposition to homosexuality, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.

The U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 vote, said Boyd County High School student Timothy Morrison failed to show that he was harmed by the policy, which was later changed. It also said Morrison didn't show how winning a lawsuit seeking only $1 in damages would rectify his situation.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

AUDIO: The “Fistgate” incident: What public schools allow homosexuals to do with your kids

Suprise! What do sodomites do since they can't reproduce? They recruit your kid in the public skool.

GLSEN (Gross-Loving Sodomites Envying Normals), a homo-fascist orgy-ization, was founded by homo-fascist Kevin Jennings. GLSEN promotes the death-culture of homosexuality to children through public schools courtesy of various departments of "education"; perverts love to tell children about filth and sodomy because it excites them. Jennings, GLSEN's founder, was recently appointed by fellow sodomite, Hussein Obama, "to be assistant deputy secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools inside the Department of Education."

No Compromise Media -- June 18, 2009


“Fisting [forcing one's entire hand into another person's rectum or vagina] often gets a bad
rap….[It's] an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with…[and] to put you into an exploratory mode.”

Have you wondered what homosexual activists do when they are alone with kids in the tax-funded “gay clubs” in schools and other activities? It’s not pretty. In fact, it’s very disgusting. Now you can hear for yourself.

The above quotation comes from Massachusetts Department of Education employees describing the pleasures of homosexual sex to a group of high school students at a state-sponsored workshop on March 25, 2000.

We have the actual audio recordings of what went on at one such event in March of 2000. Children as young as 12 were instructed by adults (state employees!) how to perform a range of dangerous and perverted homosexual sex acts.

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VIDEO: Brainiac Sums up 4-years, Puts "F-bomb" and Children's Book in Crayon on Yearbook Cover

Everyone's shocked!! Student body, faculty don't notice the brilliant prank until it's too late because, well, it's a pubic skool. No one can read english, only espanol. Oh yeah, no one really cared, either. "Everyone, ya know like, uses the F-bomb, so what's the big deal?" asked principal Dewey.

Brainiac's apology note: "I cannot begin to explain the miserable feeling I brought upon myself when I betrayed the trust of all of you. I'm effin' sorry." -- June 2009

SHAKER HEIGHTS, Ohio -- The Shaker Heights High School yearbook cover has a lot of people talking.

The cover was designed by an outgoing high school senior and shortly after the yearbook was distributed, students noticed a hidden message inside of that design.

"You have to turn it upside down and then it is right there," said incoming senior Katie Rownd.

The hidden message contains the "F" word.

When the school principal learned of the obscenity, he sent home a letter to parents. Attached to that letter, an apology from the student who designed the cover.

VIDEO: Predator's Targets Show Support for 'Really Dope' Teacher Facing Sex Charges

'Like, I can't believe this! Ron was, like ya know, sooo cool! He would always trade beer for weed. Someone this cool, ya know like, couldn't be sooo bad," one student-target said.

Art teacher Bartlett races into court grasping the hand of some woman he met the night before "to demonstrate he's not a homo." The article doesn't mention whether the molested is male or female, leaving us to believe it's the former since the (de)press usually mentions the sex of the victim if it's the opposite sex of the predator.

R News -- June 18, 2009

Students streamed into Victor Town Court Thursday evening in support of a Victor High School art teacher accused of having sexual contact with a student.

Ronald Bartlett, 49, of Penfield, is charged with three counts of forcible touching, three counts of sexual abuse and one count of endangering the welfare of a child.

He was released on $25,000 bail and will return to court July 21.

The allegations against Bartlett date back to early April through late May of this year.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Former teacher and obvious homosexual accussed of molesting boys

WCPO -- June 13, 2009

Cincinatti -- A former Cincinnati Public School teacher is in custody in Indianapolis, accused of molesting children.

Lee Tibbetts was arrested after police said two former students made accusations against him.

A 13-year-old said Tibbetts molested him and threatened to flunk him if he told anyone. A second boy claimed he was solicited for sex.

The crimes allegedly happened while Tibbetts was teaching at John Marshall Community High School in Indianapolis.

Tibbetts was arrested on five counts of child molestation and one count of child solicitation involving the second student.

Tibbetts taught at three Cincinnati elementary schools including, Hoffman School in Evanston and Bond Hill School.

Knox County schools unblock pervert websites

Spineless superintendent of schools called the inability to access homosexual websites a "glitch" which has been "fixed." The ACLU reared its ugly head on behalf of three gender confused students who tried to access the filth using school computers. My guess is they weren't able to access them in the first place because the ISP's filters found some disgusting stuff on those homo websites. Great, now kids are able to access homo porn from the school library. (homo website) -- June 11, 2009

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -The superintendent of the Knox County schools says a glitch has been fixed, allowing access to educational Web sites on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues.

The American Civil Liberties Union on May 19 filed a federal lawsuit against Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools and Knox County Schools on behalf of three high school students and a librarian for blocking such Web sites.

Knox County Superintendent Jim McIntyre said in a Wednesday statement that blocking the sites was not in compliance with Knox County's policy and the system worked with Internet service provider ENA to allow access to the sites from school computers.

After ACLU involvement, 6th grader gives report to other kids about dead sodomite politician.

So, if you're a parent who didn't sign a permission slip so your child wouldn't hear about sex and perversion from other kids in school, well, you're authority was undermined and your kid was ruined because the ACLU stepped quickly into this one and demanded the report be given to the entire class. The school kowtowed quickly as schools usually do. What's really embarrassing is that the ACLU made the school officials apologize to the 6th grader and her family. They're weak and spineless, and why any parent would have his child be subject to these sissies is beyond me.

In her report, the 6th grader mentioned that Milk, the dead homo politician, was murdered in 1978. What the 6th grader didn't tell the class because she probably doesn't know it herself is that Milk, for the last 30 years, has been floating around in hell definitely not having a good time like he used to in San Francisco's dirty bath houses. This bit of info about theb revered sex criminal was definitely left out of little Mary's class report.

San Diego 6 -- June 12, 2009

RAMONA - A Ramona Unified sixth-grader has given her report on gay political icon Harvey Milk to her entire class after the school district apologized for previously limiting her presentation only to students whose parents signed a permission slip.

The controversy began in April when district officials cited a policy requiring parent permission slips for sex education classes as the reason why
Natalie Jones could only give her report to certain students during lunch.

In May, the ACLU of San Diego got involved by sending the district a letter demanding an apology and an agreement to let Jones present her report to the entire class.

Sodomite becomes prom queen; Didn't know crown was for a girl, not a sissy

18 y/o homosexual, Sergio Garcia of Fairfax High in Los Angeles, thought it would be cute to confuse himself and his gender even more by campaigning to be his school's prom queen. Perhaps he thought the stunt could be pulled off by invoking the ol' "tolerance" bit with his classmates. Obviously, no girl wanted that crown at the expense of seeming intolerant of a gender-confused sexual deviant.

After wearing the crown, Garcia, a self-proclaimed "queen," was disappointed that he hadn't (1) turned into a girl (and still wasn't quite a real boy) and (2) didn't get to dance with the prom King. According to one of the students, this is the reason students voted for fagboy, "as a joke so they could see the prom king dance with another guy on prom night." And I can only imagine the overwhelming joy of this queer's family especially of his father and mother who obviously said to themselves, "Wow, my SON became prom QUEEN!"

Not only is this disgusting, it was stupid. Fairfax High in L.A. has shown it's student body is the dumbest in the nation.

Los Angeles Times - May 28, 2009

Sergio Garcia stood in the gymnasium and told the senior class at Fairfax High School not to worry: If he was elected, he wouldn't wear a dress.

"I will be wearing a suit," Garcia said, "but don't be fooled, deep down inside, I am a queen!"

Garcia, 18, spent most of his years at Fairfax openly gay and wanted to be part of the Los Angeles school's prom court -- but not as prom king. He felt that vying for prom queen would better suit his personality, so he decided to seek that crown, running against a handful of female classmates.

He said it started out as a bit of a stunt and challenge -- he wasn't sure the school would allow it. But his campaign for queen ended up being serious and sparking dialogue about gender roles on campus.

A few days before the dance and election, the contenders gave short speeches on why they deserved the crown.

VIDEO with lisp and limp wrist:

Ultra-sicko teacher previously charged with sexually abusing a girl was arrested for grabbing and video recording his 11-year-old students

How anyone with a record of being charged twice for criminal sexual assault can get a job as a teacher working directly with young girls he was once accussed of molesting is beyond reason. Whoever hired him should be charged with criminal negligence for endangering children.

Pacific Daily News -- June 9, 2009

A D.L. Perez Elementary School teacher arrested for allegedly touching and videotaping his students inappropriately is being held on $50,000 bail.

Frederick Emerson Fernsler, 55, appeared in the Superior Court of Guam on Saturday. He was charged with:

  • Second-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony;
  • Child abuse as a misdemeanor;
  • andOfficial misconduct as a misdemeanor.

According to the magistrate's complaint against Fernsler, when an 11-year-old female student bent over in class, Fernsler allegedly "grabbed her hips from behind and started thrusting his pelvis against her buttocks."

The report makes no mention of cameras Fernsler allegedly hid in his classroom -- where students would change clothing. Police found the cameras May 21, according to a GPD news release issued last week.

Office of the Attorney General spokesman Eric Palacios said yesterday more charges may be filed against Fernsler. Mae Blas, public information officer for the U.S. Attorney's Office, said no federal charges had been filed against Fernsler, but she couldn't comment on pending cases.

Emotionally wrecked teacher with a history of parental drug abuse nailed for 7 counts of rape, 14 counts of sex abuse

Teacher was in a relationship with a man while having the affair with her 14-year-old student who had a history of 'acting up' - and were always 'the number one thing on his mind.'

Queens Chronicle -- June 4, 2009

An I.S. 8 teacher accused of having sex with a 14-year-old student at the Jamaica middle school now waits in jail as she faces charges of statutory rape.

Melissa Weber, a social studies teacher, allegedly engaged in sexual intercourse in a second-floor classroom with the boy — the son of a PTA member — on seven separate occasions between April 13 and May 14. She was arraigned Friday on seven counts of second-degree rape, 14 counts of third-degree sexual abuse and one count of endangering the welfare of a child.

The next court date for Weber, who resides on Long Island, will be June 15 in Queens County Criminal Court. Weber denied the charges in a statement released through police after the arraignment. When questioned, she painted the boy as the one who made advances by, for instance, grabbing her buttocks.

Bail was set at $100,000, and the judge ordered Weber to stay away from the boy if bail were to be posted. If convicted, Weber could face up to seven years in prison.

Fornication Kills: Whore-teacher in despicable love triangle between 2 molested students says she's now a victim

Criminal-slut teacher molested 2 of her students, and one eventually murdered the other. Now the whore-teacher, who ruined 2 young lives and was never punished for it, wants to be a 'victim' when she's the victimizer. She should be hung for her crimes.

The Arizona Republic -- June 8, 2009

A Chandler high school teacher who is accused of being the center of a fatal love triangle involving two former students has filed a motion with the court asking to be considered a victim in the incident.

While she is not listed as a victim in the indictment, Tamara Darline Hofmann, 48, said in a motion filed by her attorney that she was hit and then held down by her 20-year-old fiancé, Sixto Balbuena, who admitted stabbing 18-year-old Samuel Valdivia to death after finding the two in a compromising position.

As a victim rather than a witness, Hofmann could refuse interviews with Balboa's defense team and would be able to confer with the prosecution at any point leading up to the trial. She would also be privy to any release decisions, plea negotiations and sentencing, according to the victim's rights listed in state'sconstitution.

The notice of appearance, filed June 1 by her attorney Christopher DuPont, said Hofmann "intends to assert all rights guaranteed to her as a victim."

Central Utah: Former mayor turned teacher and coach accused of sex with teen girl

Suspected victim is 17 y/o while the child molester is 61 y/o. Dirty old man.

The Salt Lake Tribune -- June 9, 2009

Keith L. Gillins' accomplishments make him look like a model citizen -- he's a teacher, coach and former mayor in the small town of Fillmore.

But on Tuesday authorities accused the 61-year-old of having sex with a 17-year-old student.Gillins, was charged in 4th District Court with two counts of unlawful sexual conduct. Each count is punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

Deputy County Attorney Patrick Finlinson said more charges may be filed later as police continue investigating the case.

Whatever: Gold-digger to sue over school diaper incident

Should be 'Con woman to sue'; This definitely falls under the 'stupid parents' category - she'd have more luck suing McDonalds for having hot coffee.

New Haven Register -- June 9, 2009

WATERBURY — A Connecticut woman is threatening a lawsuit against the Waterbury school district, saying her son was touched inappropriately by a teacher's aide who violated a diaper changing policy.

The woman's lawyer, David Compagnone, says in an intent-to-sue notice, that she and her son suffered emotional trauma. He says the boy has mental and physical disabilities.

Custodian fatally shot at Ky. middle school by other school employee

Baltimore Sun -- June 9, 2009

LEXINGTON, Ky. - A police spokesman says a custodian has been fatally shot at a middle school in Lexington.

Lexington Police Lt. Ron Compton says the suspected shooter is a school employee as well and police are searching for that person. He said police don't believe there is an immediate danger to others.

Teacher strikes back: Student purposely in wrong class gets nailed with stapler, required four stitches

The reporter portrays the student as an innocent victim. "Because the class was unruly, he thought it may have been on a recess." I don't believe this kid is innocent for one second. He knew it wasn't recess. He shouldn't have been stupid and screwed around on his way back from the bathroom. I'll bet this kid won't screw around with this teacher's class ever again. Give him a raise and promotion. We need more teachers like that guy, the one with guts. -- June 9, 2009

A teacher at Swenson Arts and Technology High School in the Northeast is under investigation for allegedly throwing a stapler at a freshman student's head, resulting in a wound that required four stitches.

Ahmad Pone, 15, was on his way back from the bathroom Friday afternoon when he stopped at the doorway of a classroom to chat with a friend, according to his mother, Michelle Ball.

Because the class was unruly, he thought it may have been on a recess, but when the male teacher told his student to sit down and told Pone to leave, they followed his requests, Ball said.

70 elementary school kids sick in suburban Philly

'Fevers, sore throats and coughs'
-- June 9, 2009

RADNOR, Pa. - More than 70 students in one suburban Philadelphia elementary school are reporting flu-like symptoms.

They were out of classes Monday at Ithan (EYE'-than) Elementary school in the Radnor School District.

Read More

Pregnancy Boom at Gloucester High School: Evidence of No Moral Understanding

17 teenage mothers are expecting: 'They're so excited to finally have someone to love them unconditionally'

Time -- June 18, 2008

As summer vacation begins, 17 girls at Gloucester High School are expecting babies — more than four times the number of pregnancies the 1,200-student school had last year. Some adults dismissed the statistic as a blip. Others blamed hit movies like Juno and Knocked Up for glamorizing young unwed mothers. But principal Joseph Sullivan knows at least part of the reason there's been such a spike in teen pregnancies in this Massachusetts fishing town. School officials started looking into the matter as early as October, after an unusual number of girls began filing into the school clinic to find out if they were pregnant. By May, several students had returned multiple times to get pregnancy tests, and on hearing the results, "some girls seemed more upset when they weren't pregnant than when they were," Sullivan says. All it took was a few simple questions before nearly half the expecting students, none older than 16, confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. Then the story got worse. "We found out one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy," the principal says, shaking his head.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Warzone: Unarmed Sup. wrestles gun from a former NYPD inside Orangtown Middle School; SWAT swoops in later

Armed father and former cop, who was apparently angry that his son contracted the swine flu, walked right past the school's useless 'security'; SWAT showed up long after the fact

Daily News -- June 9, 2009

A school administrator wrestled a gun-toting former NYPD cop to the ground Tuesday after the crazed dad barged into a Rockland County school, furious his son got the swine flu, cops said. Schools Superintendent Ken Mitchell grabbed the weapon away from Peter Cocker after taking him down in his office in South Orangetown Middle School in Blauvelt.

Cocker was enraged that his son had apparently contracted the swine flu, police and neighbors said.

The 37-year-old former Bronx policeman never made it past Mitchell's office.

"It was an incredible bit of bravery and heroism," said Orangetown Supervisor Thom Kleiner. He described Mitchell, a former hockey player, as a "slight guy, very unassuming."

Mitchell's proud family said he did exactly what they expected.

"I'm not surprised that he was able to do this," said Mitchell's brother-in-law Tom Burns, 43. "He's just always someone who, no matter what the circumstances, is going to get the job done."

Gun drawn, Cocker strolled into the school past a security guard's station about 11:30 a.m. The unarmed security agent called cops and in minutes, a SWAT team and several police units converged outside.

When the officer got to Mitchell's office, they found the door had been barricaded and heard the sounds of a "violent struggle," police said.

The officers blasted through the door with a shotgun.

By that point, Mitchell, 55, had already gained the upper hand.

Not in school: 300 students run amok for protest of proposed school teacher cuts

Instead of being in class where they're expected to be, students hang out in the streets to socialize and protest, ya know, something. This many kids on the same street at the same time is a nuisance and a danger to the public and irresponsible of the school's admin. The city should make its proposed cuts and fire the school's admin for its wrecklessness in endangering the public by using the students for its own political gain, and the students should be punished for ditching class. How dumb: The students protest the city's proposed cuts in school resources while refusing to use the school resources granted to them by the city.

R News -- June 9, 2009

Student protestors made their presence known in downtown Rochester one day ahead of the city council's public hearing on a controversial budget for the city school district.

Most of the students go to the School of the Arts (SOTA) and are unhappy about possible teacher cuts there.

Between 200 and 300 students marched from their school to the district's central office to city hall Tuesday afternoon to make their concerns known.

'Orwellian language' in schools turns pupils into 'customers,' finds damning report

'Schools should teach moral values to educate pupils for life as well as work.'

Daily Mail -- June 9, 2009

Schools using the 'Orwellian language of performance management' are undermining teenagers' education by turning them into 'customers' rather than students, a landmark report says today.

Teachers who are forced to use phrases such as 'performance indicator' and 'curriculum delivery' lack enthusiam for the job, the six-year investigation found.

The Oxford-based Nuffield Review, the most comprehensive study of secondary education in 50 years, said that 'the words we use shape our thinking'.

It notes: 'As the language of performance and management has advanced, so we have proportionately lost a language of education which recognises the intrinsic value of pursuing certain sorts of question ... of seeking understanding [and] of exploring through literature and the arts what it means to be human.'

Teachers are inundated with the language of measurable 'inputs' and 'outputs', 'performance indicators' and 'audits', 'targets', 'customers', 'deliverers', 'efficiency gains' and 'bottom lines', the report continues.